This Plan will show you a relatively simple way of building and managing your credit by utilizing the lowest interest rates you can find to retain your money and avoid service charges!
A good credit rating can help you by granting you greater purchasing power, lower interest rates on loans, and greater economic security. A bad credit rating denies you all of this. This Plan can help you secure your financial future by teaching you the first steps to keeping the money you earn and using your credit well.
WRITER'S NOTE: it is absolutely essential that all of the safety section is thoroughly read and understood. This Plan teaches users the basics in using some of the most elementary money-making tools available to you. This is not an entertaining lesson, but it can be an absolutely essential one to secure your financial future. This is your money, and this is one of the first lessons in putting it into good use. Make your money work for you!
This Plan was created by TeamBeta2 at Omega Morphosis with assistance from Inez Dyer, retired 28-year banker and manager, 6-year financial columnist and 17-year stock trader.