Success. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom
Error. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom

Plan goal: This Plan shows users how to increase their metabolism in 7 simple steps!
Author: OMBusiness
People required: 1
Assistants required: 0
Intended Audience: men, women, adults, everyone
Criteria or restrictions:
Skill Level: 3
Membership Level: Free
Category: Diet / Nutrition
Number of Steps: 7
Difficulty: 6
Approximate time to complete: 10 minutes

Increase your Metabolism

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Many people around the world want to be able to maintain metabolic stability. Control, normality and the general ability to maintain comfort in both our body and in our mind are goals well worth pursuing. One major factor in this is maintaining personal health. 

Accelerating one's metabolism is a great way to maintain one's health. By accelerating their metabolism, one can significantly help themselves shed some of those extra pounds. This Plan can show users a few simple tips to help guide them towards becoming and staying healthy.