Success. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom
Error. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom

Plan goal: Making changes to your diet, trying a fast, exercising more, and living a chemical-free lifestyle are all effective ways to cleanse your body.
Author: AlexCampana
People required: 1
Assistants required: 0
Intended Audience: children, everyone
Criteria or restrictions:
Age: 14
Skill Level: 5
Membership Level: Free
Category: Diet / Nutrition
Number of Steps: 5
Difficulty: 5
Approximate time to complete: 15 minutes

Methods to detoxify the body and lose weight

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If you have ever had trouble losing the weight you want to lose, consider cleansing your body of toxins. Purifying your body can increase your energy or mental clarity, promote weight loss, relieve pain, or prevent illness. Making changes to your diet, fasting, exercising more, and living a chemical-free lifestyle are all effective ways to cleanse your body.