Success. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom
Error. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom

Plan goal: Taking good care of your pets is your responsibility as the owner, and that means being aware of a wide range of sections that have to do with both treatment and their needs.
Author: AlexCampana
People required: 1
Assistants required: 0
Intended Audience: everyone
Criteria or restrictions:
Skill Level: 3
Membership Level: Free
Category: Recreation / Activities
Number of Steps: 7
Difficulty: 3
Approximate time to complete: 20 minutes

Tips to take care of pets

α 0 Alpha(s)

This plan shows users some simple tips for taking good care of your pets. Taking good care of your pets is your responsibility as the owner, and that means being aware of a wide range of sections that have to do with both treatment and their needs.